
How To Upgrade Fishing Pole In Fishing Break App

I can't stop playing Fishing Break

I'm always on the look for fun fishing games. I've been playing Fishing Break nonstop for the past day. It's very simplistic but pretty addictive. The free to play design isn't obtrusive. The RNG elements and progression are pretty transparent (ex: spend money to upgrade rod to catch bigger fish for more money to upgrade rod, etc) but effective. Check it out if you're interested.

Fishing Break by Roofdog Games

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level 1

It's a pretty decent game I think. I bought the £4 coin doubler which makes it more fun and slightly less of a grind.

level 2

I can't seem to find the coin doubler in game. Any chance you can tell me where it is?

level 1

Fantastic game honestly. 19 stars & 256 score right now. I'm so into the tournaments to get tier 1 catches.

level 1

xndt3333 This game is so addictive! Hard to balance upgrades with buying bait as you move over to the newer areas

level 1


Super addicted to this game right now, just wondering if any of y'all are having trouble with certain fish spawning.

Im trying to get the star for all regular fish in tropical, but no matter how long I grind in a section of the map I can never get a swordfish to show up.

Any of you guys having the same problem?

level 2

Some will only spawn under certain weather/time.

level 1

Anyone figure out the best way to catch the specials? Oh and add me as well! zftk4626

level 1

Add me, everyone above me shows full.

Thanks for the invites...full now.

level 1

add me! pmmr7864!

I've gotten addicted to this game and can't stop won't stop! Also... has anybody figured out the best way to catch special types of fishes. Most of the time I have caught them by catching a smaller one and letting one of the special ones eat it. -__-

level 2

Yeah using regular bait you have to get their interest and then try and get a small guy to bite the line then hope the special goes after it. You can sometimes see which type of fish the special goes after by watching him swim around and biting other fish.

Other than that, a purple or gold bait can generally get the bigger ones to hit without the above method.

level 1

Fuck alright, let's talk about this. I guess I fucked up because making money is HARD. 500 G for 10 bait but I can't make that 500 back to save my life. I added all of the guys from the Bigfoot forums, what's your friend code? That gold helped get me into the third world.

My rods only 75 power though so I'm struggling. It's a fun game though, gotta admit that much.

level 2


Add me, but I can't tell what that does besides a quick cash bonus. IMO you can't really play forever, you'll run out of money as the bait gets more expensive. Upgrading your rod seems like the most important thing because it allows you to catch the bigger fish for more money. I'm trying to spend $0 on this thing so I think that means relying on museum income over time to afford to keep fishing.

EDIT: my friends list is full, thanks guys!

level 2

hey man, the key honestly is to look at it as a 500 investment (or X cost for bait). You have 10 chances to make a profit off each line. In the beginning, make an effort to make 50 and above each fish. And you'll slowly make a profit. Just remember to putting back the money into the baits...I know upgrading is very tempting. But you have to live off the profits, and eventually it gets easier because the money you get from museums become significant.

level 2

Here's what i do. I go back to the first pond and use the free bait from the beginning. Fish give 10-15 coins max but you can build up a bit of cash really quick and it's free.

level 2

It gets a ton easier to make money as time goes on. In the beginning I almost deleted the game because it was so frustrating trying to make money, now I have tons of money.

level 2

Adding friends gets you money, as well as bucks. Also, once your museums start generating decent cash, it is less of a problem.

How To Upgrade Fishing Pole In Fishing Break App


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